PETIT POT's R&R Biscuits 遇見永康街的蘭姆葡萄餅 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
2018年3月17日—他們讓我想起我最愛的日本北海道六花亭...Theshop'snameisPETITPOT,kindacute.Let'shavealook!這間精緻小店叫做『小罐子點心舖 ...
Yesterday I passed by a very lovely shop in the Yong Kang Street area. I was attracted to it by their billboard in front of the shop as in the above picture. Yeah, I really like rum & raisin flavor and it got me hooked. So I went inside, knowing that it wouldnt be cheap, and bought myself a box of their signature Rum and Raisin Sandwich Biscuits. 6 Biscuits in a box for about $11. Not cheap, but still affordable for some who really want a bite of it!!
昨夜經過永康街商圈,剛好經過這一間非常可愛的小店。門口擺了一個廣告牌,主打他們招牌『蘭姆葡萄餅』。沒辦法,我非常喜歡這口味,明知裝潢這麼美在永康街的精緻小店一定不便宜,還是決定進去,然後帶走一盒小的蘭姆葡萄餅。一盒六塊,台幣310元,人民幣67元或港幣84元。確實不便宜,但對於想吃的人來說,或許也還買的下手... 他們讓我想起我最愛的日本北海道六花亭...
The shops name is PETIT POT, kinda cute. Lets have a look!
PETIT POT's R&R Biscuits 遇見永康街的蘭姆葡萄餅 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
食記。 小罐子點心舖 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
小罐子點心舖 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
2020彌月試吃推薦﹝PETITPOT.小罐子點心舖 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
小罐子點心舖PETIT POT(永康店) | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
台北喜餅推薦|PETIT POT小罐子法式手工喜餅 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
PETIT POT's R&R Biscuits 遇見永康街的蘭姆葡萄餅 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
小罐子點心舖Petit Pot | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
2020彌月試吃【PETIT POT。小罐子點心舖】小罐子彌月蛋糕 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者
彌月禮盒推薦【小罐子點心舖】充滿幸福的法式甜點 | 連鎖超商/餐飲業者